Over the moon. Yes, I’m happy as I’ve done it another time. I’ve written another story. This time under the title ‘The Experiment’. It was not easy at the end as I didn’t have a plot. Learned lesson is that when I write an outline, how flimsy it might be, a plot is handy to have. About twenty chapters where outlined, the remaining eleven just came out of nowhere. So for this book, I was both a pantser and an outliner. Loved to have an outline in certain areas. Especially when I got stuck during the writing I had something to hold on to, while knowing it would help me to end the tory.

The book ‘The Experiment’ is about:

Christian has multiple customers as IT consultant. He is near mister honest. One of his favorite places is at the Thornstow Ltd. The atmosphere, the type of work and Adriana make this location fantastic. She is appealing, smart and a liar. She doesn’t tell him what really goes on in her mind and the results of that. After working hours she performs biochemical experiments with the vessels that are build at Thornstow. These are normally giving her more insight in her pursuit to create new types of food that are based on pure science.
While a traumatic thing happens in her live, Christian gives her more attention and support. He tries to help her get over it, but his attention is badly cut off when Adriana performs an ultimate experiment that even she had never thought about. Christian still wants to give her full support. He follows her when she can’t handle the pressure anymore. Can Christian give her back a peaceful life?

I’ll let the story go for now. Have it cleared from my direct memory. Once I start editing it will come back to me as a new book with a fresh mind.

Until then I keep on editing my previous book ‘Driven by Gold’, which I hope to get out in March 2021. Read chapter one from that book.